Walzl Education Inc.
Physics 12
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Circular Motion
The Green Dot indicated items that must be handed in

A great refresher Lesson and Example.
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Need Help? Have Questions?
Universal Gravitation
How does Stuff Orbit?

The Green Dot indicated items that must be handed in
Read the notes.
Definitely go through example solutions. (don't hand in examples)
Do the Problem Set
Hand in Problems Set and
Space Tech Assignment


The Green Dot indicated items that must be handed in
Electrostatic Potential Energy
The Green Dot indicated items that must be handed in

The Green Dot indicated items that must be handed in
Magnets and Electromagetism (Force)
Due: May 13th

Current running
through a wire creates
a magnetic field that
attracts paper clips.
The Right Hand Rule is important when looking a the design of things like electric motors, speakers, and particle accelerators, we need to know the direction that things are being pushed and pulled!
Path of a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field
Other Resources:
Induction - Creating electricity with a magnet!
Momentum and Impulse 1-Dimensional
Momentum and Impulse 2-Dimensional
Other Resources:
Other Resources:

Physics 12 - Self Exams
Course Videos 2021
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